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Africans Are Even Being Prevented From Boarding Trains in Ukraine

The official visuals of Ukrainians blocking Africans from getting on trains. #AfricansinUkraine — Damilare / ViF (@Damilare_arah) February 26, 2022 This doesn’t look like right wing extremism was not a big deal. #AfricansinUkraine Visuals of the day. Ukraine left African families stranded at the train — Damilare /…

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Africans Fleeing Ukraine Held at Gunpoint at Polish Border Despite Agreements Between African Nations and Poland

Watch how they are threatening to shoot us! We are currently at the Ukraine -Poland border. Their Police and Army refused to let Africans cross they only allow Ukrainian. Some have slept here for 2 days under this scorching cold weather, while many have gone back to Lviv. —…

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