Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Nigerian Embassies in Ukraine, Poland Reveal Safety Plan for Citizens – Arise News

“The Nigerian Embassy staff and along with volunteers will be at the Polish-Ukrainian borders with buses and vans to pick up Nigerians from the crossing border points and locations below:*Hrebenne-Rawa Ruska*Szko?a Podstawowa w Lubyczy Królewskiej (zaplecze hali sportowej) ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 5, 22-680 Lubycza Królewska*Phone:* +48-729275316*Korczowa-Krakowiec*?wietlica, Korczowa 155, 37-552 Korczowa*Phone:*+48-579201775*Medyka-Szeginie*Hala Sportowa – Medyka 285, 37-732 Medyka*Phone:*+48-729242516*Budomierz-Hurszew*Szko?a Podstawowa w m. Krowica Sama 183, 37-625 Krowica Sama*Phone:* +48-739493541

Source: Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Nigerian Embassies in Ukraine, Poland Reveal Safety Plan for Citizens – Arise News

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